Spot-Literie get involved

Eco-responsible and sustainable



We focus on quality through craftsmanship.

·         Craftsmanship, know-how, quality


Fabrication artisanale


Made In Local

Le circuit-court et le made in France.




Against products bsolescence

Originally intended for certain household appliances or electronics, the repairability index aims to combat waste and obsolescence in products. The aim is to measure the availability of spare parts, the ease of disassembly, and the availability of procedures and advice, thus promoting the circular economy.

Spot-Bedding plays the game of transparency by adapting the diagnostic to its working methods to obtain the excellent score of 9.5/10





Spot-Literie collecte vos dons à travers l’option Arrondi en Ligne au profit des associations :

Medecins du monde

Restos du coeur

Planete urgence

 The partnership established between Spot Literie and these associations through the Arrondi is the result of a global approach aimed at increasing awareness and action in favour of solidarity and the sustainable use of the environment.





Contribuez à la neutralité carbone en mesurant l’empreinte générée pas votre achat.

Today, 4 out of 5 consumers prefer responsible purchasing.



Your generosity embedded in the purchasing journey.

The Solidary Rounding is a device that makes it possible to round off the total amount of your order to the benefit of a recognized association of general interest.


Spot-Bedding pays 100% of your donations to the association of your choice.