Legal informations
Postal address
2 ter, bd du Champ aux Métiers
Telephone and fax
You can contact our customer service department by telephone from Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on +33 3 80 46 63 58
You can contact us by email at the following address:
French Limited Company (SARL) with registered capital of 16 000 €uros
R.C.S. DIJON 518 990 387
Répertoire des métiers DIJON APE 4759 A
SIRET 51899038700012
Intra-Community VAT Number : FR20518990387
Data hosting
Person responsible
Our company has committed to meeting with regulatory and ethical provisions in respect of the protection of data of a personal nature as issued by the rules of L@belsite, within the context of the Data Protection Act. These rules ensure that your data will be treated, with full transparency, in accordance with these provisions. We are obliged to ask you for a certain amount of data in order to organise our commercial relations in the best possible manner and give you the service you expect. Some data are essential to be able to process your request or your order, others allow us to know you better and thus adapt our offers to your needs. On the pages where data of a personal nature are requested you will be informed of the mandatory or optional nature of their transmission, as well as the possible consequences of the failure to supply the information. During consultation, our site collects, using software activated by your own computer, data regarding the date, the pages visited, the length of time visited as well as the IP address of your computer, the internet service provider, the research engine and the original link of this consultation. This data collection allows us to improve the ergonomics of our site and to reinforce the efficiency of our services. You can prevent this data collection by disabling this function in your navigation software. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6/1/1978 (article 27), you have the right to access and rectify data which concerns you. These data are used exclusively for the requirements of Spot Literie, in no case will they be transferred or rented to another company.